July 29, 2009

Charque and caves

So on the way back from jiu jitsu the other night, I totally made friends with the cab driver, who then felt compelled to point out all the interesting sites along the way to where I live. This included bars, cafes, restaurants, etc etc etc, until finally he said "Look! That´s a charque place. Do you have charque in America?" No. No we do not.

So how many of you have heard of charque? Probably none of you. But here´s what you need to know about it: you shouldn´t eat it. Why someone would feel compelled to eat an animal as magestic, glorious, and and noble as a llama is beyond me, but apparently, it´s is the big meat around here. Mean and stupid-ness. SAVE THE LLAMAS. EAT MORE COW.

Anyway, not much interesting has happened in the last few days. For the record, monkeys apparently enjoy going up to bird cages and strangling the poor parrots. Probably the parrots annoy them. Tomorrow we are off to Toro Toro, where we get to see some sweet caves, and then have to choose whether to see dinosaur footprints or shell fossils (dinosaurs, duh). Apparently one of the caves we have to actually swim down to get to...woot!

Photography project is going well, even though one of the cameras got stolen last week. Will attempt to post pictures in the next entry.


EDIT: Soooo, uploading pictures is not functioning, looks like you guys may have to way for photos until I get back to the US of A. I´m sorry, please don´t hate me


  1. ...did you just say that monkeys STRANGLE parrots...?
    i'm so disturbed.

  2. do not go into/eat Charque!!!! It is dried/salted meat (llama, beef or.....HORSE!!!!!)
    ...dinosaurs anyday!

  3. Our dear Tina is doing JuJitsu now? Is this BJJ, or Japanese, or what?

