August 17, 2009

Home sweet home

So guess who's back in the US and bored out of their mind? I AM!

After an interesting flight back to the US, in which I made friends with a soulless French Canadian and a nun, did not have my bags searched by customs (grrr), and fought with the baggage people in Miami, I am finally home, and looking for things to do. Tomorrow Sam, Claire and I will be playing ukulele in the park in exchange for life advice, so if you're around, come life advise us. Also tomorrow night, we're going to Chris' Jazz Cafe in Philly ( to see my friend's band you should come too.

On Thursday I leave for New York for my DAAD training, and I won't get back til Sunday night, so after that, we'll party. So yeah. Call me/text me for things to do, before I reverse culture shock like it's my job.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Welcome back to America!

    You're in New York for DAAD training? Hrmmm I might have to message you about that :)
